Keys to Improving Mammography Compliance in 2022

It’s been over two years since the beginning of the pandemic and providers are finally beginning to see an increase in mammography appointments moving toward pre-Covid numbers.  But compliance, even  pre-pandemic, was still far from ideal. While screening mammography dropped significantly in 2020 and into 2021, the numbers pre-pandemic were already troubling. In 2018, just 66.7% of women aged 40 and older had received a mammogram in the previous two years.[1] As providers navigate the challenges of losing nearly a year in appointments, what approaches can they take to get patients back on track with their screening mammograms?

What are the implications of the pandemic “lull” in screening?

This webinar will highlight best practices to elevate patient compliance and improve outcomes. This 60-minute webinar will provide you with the knowledge to:

  • Eliminate barriers that keep women from scheduling mammograms
  • Streamline and improve messaging about the need for breast care compliance
  • Recommend breast care and mammography educational tools and resources to share with patients
  • Navigate the scheduling challenges of increasing both in-office and out-of-office annual mammography appointments
