NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — In this Happening Around Town segment of MorningLine, Nick Beres talks with Joshua Daniel and Jillian Wright about the Greater Nashville More than Pink Walk on October 5. Click here for more information
We are proud to announce that Onsite Women’s Health Chief Executive Officer, Jillian Wright, has been appointed as this year’s Executive Leadership Chair for Susan G. Komen‘s Greater Nashville MORE THAN PINK Walk.
“I am deeply honored to serve as the Chair for the 2024 Susan G. Komen Nashville MORE THAN PINK Walk,” shares Jillian. “With 1 in 8 women developing breast cancer in their lifetime, many of us have a personal connection to this devastating disease. As a young woman with a family history of breast cancer, I am passionate about reducing breast cancer mortality. I am fortunate to align this personal mission with my professional work, helping our company save the lives of sisters, mothers, daughters, wives and friends through innovative breast care.”
Please join us in congratulating Jillian, and walk with us to advocate, educate and support each other in increasing breast cancer awareness and screening compliance. We are proud to partner with Susan G. Komen to share their incredible resources in this fight.
Remember, early detection saves lives. Find a walk near you and let’s make a difference together:
Check out this post also on our Facebook page.
Check out this WSM Radio Interview: Onsite Women’s Health CEO Jillian Wright Talks Early Detection, Breast Cancer Awareness Month