Frequently Asked Questions

Does my practice have to outlay capital for any breast imaging equipment?

No. Onsite Women’s Health will provide all imaging equipment, service and maintenance during the duration of the partnership.

How will I know if it makes financial sense to add Onsite Women’s Health services?

Onsite Women’s Health will work with you to conduct a profit analysis based on the volume of women over 40 your office sees annually. In turn, this will help us demonstrate a clear ROI.

How much space is needed in my practice for Onsite Women’s Health to add the service?

As part of the Onsite Women’s Health package, our Enterprise Logistics team will travel to your office after a partnership agreement is signed to help evaluate the best space for your mammography program. With over a decade of experience setting up mammography spaces, our team is well equipped to help you every step of the way. 

How many annual wellness exams of women ages 40+ does my practice need to perform to be a potential candidate for Onsite Women’s Health’s services?

This depends on a few variables that our Business Development team can walk you through during our introduction and evaluation process. 

Does Onsite Women’s Health manage the hiring, salary coverage and accreditation and licensure of the mammography techs?

Yes. Onsite Women’s Health manages the hiring, salaries and accreditation/licensures of all mammography technologists.

Does Onsite Women’s Health provide marketing resources to promote the new breast health and imaging service(s) lines?

Yes. Onsite Women’s Health has developed a robust marketing playbook that equips your practice with all the resources your practice will need to promote your new breast health and imaging service line(s). All marketing collateral will be ordered on your behalf by your practice’s dedicated Regional Director to ensure a smooth roll-out.

Once my practice is up and running, what type of operational support does Onsite Women’s Health provide?

Onsite Women’s Health dedicates an Operations Team led by a Regional Director and Area Manager to support your location. Onsite will manage all day-to-day activities associated with your program, including but not limited to:

  • Management of the Onsite staff assigned to your site
  • Coordination of backup staff coverage with our robust team of Area Managers, PRN, and travel staff
  • Management of all equipment service and maintenance
  • Management of image transmission/storage/archival, including retrieval of patient prior exams from other locations
  • Management of all required patient follow-up activities – including results notification and follow-up reminders
  • Coordination with radiologists
  • Report delivery to your practice
  • Ongoing compliance with regulatory and accreditation requirements
  • Support to your practice staff and partners on workflows and strategies to optimize patient capture rates
What are the credentials of Onsite Women’s Health’s radiologists?

Onsite’s radiologists have become a differentiator for our company as 100 percent of our radiologists are board-certified and specialized in breast imaging. Because our radiologists focus on reading breast imaging, their level of specificity provides your office with the assurance that your patients will receive the best care possible. We track all radiologist quality metrics to ensure they remain above average.

How does Onsite Women’s Health handle integration with my patient records?

As part of the Onsite Women’s Health partner onboarding process, we will work with your team to determine the best way to get mammogram reports and updates into your EMR.